
Returning players are asked to pay ½ of their membership donation by end of January. The other ½ when uniforms are distributed. This covers the spring season. The summer season is free if you have paid your membership donation in full for the spring season. If you did not play in the spring and join the team for the summer season only, the registration fee will be one half of the spring membership donation plus the cost of the uniform. No team fees for tournaments or second uniforms can be collected from a player before February 1st or before he has paid at least one half of the membership donation.


Any player who owes the organization money from previous seasons will not be permitted to register or participate in the gym for the current season until all of the money owed to the organization has been paid. If there are any extenuating circumstances, they can present those circumstances to the Athletic Director or President for discussion and resolution.


Players must pay their initial membership donation before paying any team fees for tournaments or additional uniforms.

Player Registration


Parent / Guardian Information


Emergency Contact Information


Player's Baseball Experience



Download the word Document of registration form Below if you prefer a hard copy