Any player may leave any team a Cougar any time. They must return equipment, uniform and any membership donation that belongs to the organization. If these conditions are met a player will always be granted a release.
It is important for the player and parents to know that once a player leaves the organization to play for another organization, they will immediately be suspended from playing on any Cougar team. They can apply for re-instatement at a later date through the Eligibility Committee but will only be re-instated based on extenuating circumstances.
Extenuating circumstances to be considered by the Eligibility Committee would include but are not limited to a player moving out of town, major personality conflict with coach, not getting sufficient playing time. In those cases, the player can be considered for re-instatement.
The Eligibility Committee will determine if the extenuating circumstances warrant further consideration of the situation including reinstatement. In controversial situations as determined by the President and the Athletic Director it will be presented to the Board of Directors for a decision.